
The Thermal Belt Friendship Council is a nonprofit organization formed in 1986.  Our purpose is to promote stronger relationships and diversity among the peoples in Polk County, North Carolina.  We are active in promoting social activities that bring diverse groups together to set examples of harmony in the community.  Such programs include several potluck dinners during the year, Christmas carolling and a monthly group luncheon at various area restaurants.  Another program that fosters multiracial appreciation and understanding is a free annual community picnic held at Harmon Field.  Several hundred members of the community usually participate.  The Friendship Council also sponsors the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., birthday celebration.  We also have a scholarship fund for qualified area high school students.  

We welcome new members at any time, and there is no fee to belong.  The greater the membership, the better we are prepared to serve the community with friendship, understanding, and support.  Members receive meaningful gratification in helping others to coexist peacefully with their neighbors in a comfortable and pleasing atmosphere.

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at Roseland Center in Tryon, which is at the corner of East Howard and Peake Street.

For more information, please contact Donna Tatnall at (828) 859-7099.
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Thermal Belt Friendship Council
This page was last updated: November 8, 2016
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